My life (career) so far
...hope it's not that boring
In short
- Legal counsel, member of Budapest Bar Association 👨⚖️
- +8 yrs legal experience at 3 workplaces 🧑💼
- 8 publications 🖋️
- Phd candidate at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) 👨🎓
- Law degree (cum laude) - ELTE ⚖️
- Two Erasmus scholarship (Vilnius (2015) and Udine (2018)) 🧳
- Cambridge English CAE Certificate (C1) 🎩
- TELC Italian B2 Language Certificate 🍕
- Basic software developer skills 💻
- Mobility maker volunteer during UEFA EURO 2020 at Budapest ⚽ ⚽
- Living and working in Hungary, Budapest 🇭🇺
Born in Budapest, Hungary 👼
Starting secondary school at Berzsenyi Dániel Gimnázium (Budapest) in a special Italian class 🏫
Completing the maturity exam at Berzsenyi Dániel Gimnázium 👨🎓
Getting into the Faculty of Law, Eötvös Loránd University as a law student ⚖️
Being a secretary of Students’ Scholarly Circle for Students’ Scholarly Circle of Theory of Society 📌
Complete my first Erasmus journey at Vilnius University, in Lithuania (I was also a voluntary participant in the program «Multilingual Lithuania» (Hungarian language teaching))💛💚❤️
Getting my law degree (cum laude) at ELTE 🎓
Trying to learn coding - first HTML, Javascript and CSS (big thanks to freecodecamp 🤍) 💻
Starting to work at the Chancellery of Szent István University (from 2021, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) as a lawyer (drafting contracts, managing international agreements (both business contracts and memorandum of agreements), making researches in legal issues) 🧑💼
Getting my C1 Cambridge English Certificate 📜 and starting my Phd. journey 🎒
Spending one week in Dublin to complete «Academic Writing» course at Atlantic Language Dublin ☘️
Starting my Udine Erasmus experience at Università degli Studi di Udine from September🍕 💙
Farewell to my Udine Erasmus experience 💙
Contribution to the paper entitled «IoT, Intelligent Transport Systems and MaaS (Mobility as a Service)» presented at the IRIS conference 🖊️
Participating at the summer school «IT Law and Legal Informatics» organized by Universität Des Saarlandes, Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät 🎒
Starting to work at the Digital Success Programme as a co-worker for committees engaged in drafting legislative proposals focusing on digital aspects as regards the Hungarian Civil Code and the Hungarian Penal Code 🤖
Two publications: participating at IRIS conference with the paper titled «Smart Contracts: The Legal Comparison» and released my review of Richard Susskind's «Online courts and the future of justice» 🖊️
1st prize at the Gyula Moór Legal Competition with my paper entitled «00110011 – said the Judge and the accused has been released. Actual problems as regards the algorithmic decision-making» 🥇
Participating at the IRIS conference with the paper titled «“Code is Law” and Smart Contracts. Embedding Ethics in Decentralized Ledger Systems» co-authored with Federico Costantini and Szabolcs Nagypál 🖊️
Starting to work at the Hungarian Data Asset Management Agency (while being terminated my status at Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Digital Success Programme 🏁)
Being a mobility maker volunteer during EURO2020 in Budapest ⚽ ⚽ 💁🏻
Our article, written with Bettina Büki «Three ways of secure data reusability in Europe – German Research Data Centres, Finnish Findata and the French Secure Access Data Centre» is issued in the ELTE Law Journal 🖊️
Getting my legal bar exam - was a bit of a wait! ⚖️ 👔
Our article, written with Bettina Büki and Györgyi Nyikos about public data reusability was issued 🖊️
Entering in the Magyary E-Government Society 🚀